We offer Wholistic H​ealth Services as well as an eclectic variety of products for your Mind, Body & Spirit
We are multi-layered individuals with our own unique life stories that need more than a "one size fits all" approach to our health and well being. Wholistic modalities involve examining all aspects of the individual and finding what works best to bring you back to wholeness on all levels.
We offer Wholistic H​ealth Services as well as an eclectic variety of products for your Mind, Body & Spirit
We are multi-layered individuals with our own unique life stories that need more than a "one size fits all" approach to our health and well being. Wholistic modalities involve examining all aspects of the individual and finding what works best to bring you back to wholeness on all levels.
Contact Us
Contact Us
The Feathered Phoenix is located in Valleyford, Washington, a small rural area south east of Spokane.
We are usually in the office/store Monday-Friday from 9:00am-2:30pm, however, PLEASE CALL BEFORE coming out to make sure I am here and available! I don't want you to drive out here and have me not be here or with a client!
The address is:13810 E Palouse Hwy, Valleyford, Wa 99036
I am located in the lower level of a big, red barn and have my own entrance. Parking is located above the entrance.
Phone number-509-385-8458 (call or text)
Thank you and hope to hear from you soon!